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Hi, we're Elgin and Joan Craig (E & J Craig Farms).  We are proud to be Speckle Park breeders at the Craig Family Farm, home of Red Maple Speckle Park.  As a family farm, there has been a succession of changes over the years. In 2015, we purchased our initial Speckle Park cows and heifers and today we have a thriving herd of over 100 purebred and commercial Speckle Park cattle.


We have a select group of cows who are our foundation females.  Their progeny, both female and male, demonstrate how developing cow families results in consistency in traits and performance.  We make breeding decisions based on trait transmission and how we can maximize on bull power.  We now have 2nd, 3rd and 4th generations of the original cow/heifer group who are sharing the Speckle Park spotlight as brood cows in our herd.  Several of our homebred bulls are working in other herds and making significant contributions to developing genetic potential.


In 2016 and 2017, we converted 100 acres of cropland into fenced pasture. Our cattle graze on the 100 acres of diverse pasture in the spring, summer and fall. In the winter our cattle move to their extended barnyards with access to barns and the hay and forages we grow on the remaining 300 acres of our farm. We enjoy working with our cattle using top animal care practices.


We focus on producing the following:​

  • Breeding stock for other farmers looking for calves, bred heifers, mature & young cows, and yearling bulls to use to develop their herd by adding our genetics.

  • Pasture raised beef for direct consumers, butcher shops, and restaurants who value knowing the farmers who produce their food.

  • Quality hay for a range of customer requests

  • Connections - with our consumers, our community, and our fellow food producers


Overall at Red Maple, we aim to be progressive farmers and take pride in our role as stewards of our land.  


Back in June, we made the difficult decision to disperse our purebred Red Maple Speckle Park herd.  As we said in the initial notice about the sale - As the herd is peaking the reality is that we've gotten a little older and the work load feels too much.  

Over the summer we've hosted visitors, organized for photos and the catalogue, and prepared the cattle for sale day and to head off to their new owners.  We've also taken the time to "enjoy the view" as they say with our daily pasture moves and regular field discussions.  We're very pleased with the herd we've developed and know that there are solid and exciting opportunities for fellow Speckle Park breeders, new and established, to add to their herds and their dreams.





Feature Article by Country Guide




We were pleased to be the host farm for

this video about Traceability

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